Monday, January 31, 2011

Through the eyes of another..

Through the eyes of another.. I see Life's Light..

A heavenly dream

My mom shared her dream with me this morning...

She said that she felt herself coming closer and closer to God.. in her Love for God she felt her heart burst into a million stars.. she thanked God for such a love beyond comprehension.. and it was then she realized she had become those stars shining down the dazzling starlight onto humanity.

The joy of Others...

A unicorn sharing in the joy of a fairy ring..

almost done with the painting..

Can you feel the joy of others? Can you feel joy when others are in joy? There joy is your joy. And your joy is their joy. It may not appear so on a level.. but in reality it is so on multiple levels.

Who is behind those eyes? all those eyes? It is life behind those eyes.. on every level. And when one cannot see the life behind the eyes of others .. one then becomes obscured to the life behind his/her own. As all outside of yourself is non other than a mirror.

Many mirrors reflecting mirrors of the ONE.

In this way the joy of others is the joy of ALL.

And when we partake in the joy of another by simply seeing the joy of another... then we are IN love.

Love the Moment

' Love the moment and the energy of the moment will spread beyond all boundaries' - IHC (immaculate heart center) member

'Love the moment. Flowers grow out of the dark moments. Therefore each moment is vital. it affects the whole. Life is a succession of such moments and to live each, is to succeed.' - IHC member

It is important to appreciate this very moment. To look at yourself as you are right now and appreciate all that you are.

It is important for you be grateful for all that you are in this very moment because it is this moment that determines the next.

It is imperative that recognize all that takes place in one moment... right this very moment.. within all life.

In this moment the earth is breathing in and exhaling out... just as you are breathing in and exhaling out. Think of the ocean... how the ocean pushes in and out.... the ebb and flow... the natural flow of life. It is the breath of the universe.. and the breath of this earth which cause all to breath in and exhale out.

Think of all life at this moment.. all the birds, the trees, the animals.. breathing in and breathing out.. it is in this very moment that they breath in and exhale out. All is connected...

So much is taking place in this moment.. the trillion cells in your body which outnumber the entire population of the earth are working diligently together as units ...each with their own shape, size and job renewing and repairing older parts. Once renewed.. they are like shining stars... vibrant and healthy..

Take a moment to appreciate your body... and all that is taking place within your body in this very moment. To appreciate you health knowing that we are in a constant state of renewal and it is only old mind patterns which can cause a continuation of poor health.

KNOW that as your cells are in constant renewal.. YOUR entire body is in constant renewal. Constant good health.. it is your deeply engraved ideas of having poor health in which can keep you locked in 'poor health'.

You are made of light regardless of your dense expression. You are that which gives life.. you are the natural flow... allow your old patterns of thought to fade away .. allow them to be renewed as your cells and as the continual renewal process within all life. Look at the flowers and how they reemerge only to be more vibrant. As the leaves of a tree are in constant change and renewal are as well. Learn by observing nature.. that your very body goes through the same process as all life in nature.

Observe the animals in nature. The birds.. and how they eat what is given to them by the earth. Eat of the earth. The fruits, the vegetables.. drink the fresh vibrant water

Observe the ants as they work diligently as the cells in your body..

Be grateful for what you are in this very moment.. be still and give thanks for your family and friends. Give thanks that you have love around you. Give thanks that life is supporting you. That the earth supports you... just as you stand upon her.. she will always give you what you need and more.

Be grateful that even after so much pain there is still so much joy and love on the earth.

Be thankful that no matter what you do.. you WILL always belong to LOVE. Be thankful that no matter your 'actions' you will always BE LOVED. Be thankful that no matter how confined you feel you can just as easily be in a state of liberation.

Be thankful for the experience you are in... the human experience... because it is a gift that was given to you and now you are using this gift.

Be thankful for the change that you can make on this earth every second of the day. Be thankful for the change you made on this earth the second you chose to be a part of it.

Be thankful of the many ways you can impact life. Be thankful of the joy's you can experience with others. Be thankful because with a few simple words you can change the life of another. Be thankful that like cells in constant renewal you can 'renew' as many others as your heart desires. With love.. with friendships..

Be thankful that just as naturally and automatically your cells are in constant repair that you can too rejuvenate your cells and body with positivity and love. With GRATITUDE!

Be thankful that you are here that you are who you are and that you are in this body sharing this experience. Give gratitude and appreciate for this experience and life. Be thankful to all the beings who too share this experience along with you giving you the opportunity to evolve and learn. We learn from and teach each other on a continual basis.. working like cells in units on the body of the earth.

Be thankful Each day and Each night.. for your existence in the Cosmic Web of Loving Divine Light.

'Gratitude leads to devotion, resulting in compassion that flows naturally from the heart as profound healing' - Joyce Whiteley Hawkes

A drop of Oneness

Have you ever witnessed the grace of oneness? before your very eyes?

like atoms in a cell.. birds sometimes flow in a pattern together .. like a web of light.

I call it ' a drop of oneness'

in this drop God's unity is expressed in ever shining light.

Sometimes when i drive and i witness this.. i decide to pull over just to observe birds flying in this oneness pattern. They are teaching us about the natural flow of the universe... as all nature teaches. I think this is an obvious lesson about co-existence, unity, and oneness.

It deserves attention.

Same as the fish and their beautiful classes of oneness schools.. expressing a higher vibration.. that of Love, unity, and harmony.

What a world we live in.

Eternity in a Flower

It appears as though a flower does not last forever..

but it's energy is always present everywhere and in every thing.

The manifestation of a flower in this reality is a gift for us. It is a gift of SPIRITUAL sight! It is a bit of heaven revealing itself here on earth.

With colors so vivid and a fragrance so pure flowers are heavenly blessings showing us that DIVINITY IS on earth.

These delicate beings are here to teach us about ALL life on earth. That we are each a flower and from within we can too BE HEAVEN on Earth!

The world as a mirror

The world is a mirror reflecting to us our mass conscious state~

The earth, the weather changes, and all life are asking that we wake up to higher conscious states.

All life outside is a reflection of within each of us.. and all who come into our lives are also reflecting our inner states. Like frequency attracts like frequency. When we wish to change something in our lives it is an inner change we have to make. Working outside does not get the job done as fast as when we work within. This is true change!

On a daily basis it is important to understand all the mirrors in our view reflecting back to us our inner states. In people, situations, experiences, with family, at work, etc. What are you unhappy with? What are you grateful for? Do you see anything in this world that needs fixing (harmonizing)? The outside only reflects within.

Working within to change the reflection in the outside world means to work with Alchemy. Alchemy is to work within and through the dense states of consciousness. It means to change heavy leaded consciousness into the gold-like consciousness.

From separation to UNITY-CONSCIOUSNESS!

What we do with our energy affects all life and reflects back to us exactly what we give off.

It's important to know how to work with the energy behind our very own emotions and thoughts. For example: When we are frustrated and angry..instead of sending our negative energy to another (or others who are in the way of the energy) ask within that the energy be transformed into positivity.. HOW? by remembering that our negative energy can easily affect all life near us. Family, trees, animals, air, people.. etc.

When we send others our negative energy when we are experiencing negative emotions towards another they are like darts of toxicity going into the energy fields (aura) of others and guess what? they come right back to us in some way.

It's important to know how to work WITH the energy we experience during deep negative emotional states. It's very important to not repress emotions so therefore we must work diligently on feeling them without sending them to others who do not deserve to experience our negative emotions just because we don't know how to handle them.

Sending out energy is different from Expressing our energy. By knowing how to express our emotions in ways that will not hurt others means we can consciously experience tough situations without loosing control of our power.

It's important to remember in those moments that first we are not those emotions and thoughts. And also to remember that we do not need to hurt anyone because we are feeling them.

For example: when our brother or sister get angry with us and say mean words it is important to remember an image (for example of a tree or a baby animal) so that we think consciously.. do you really want to send this energy to your brother or sister and also to the world? It's important to meditate with the emotion for some time or to work on an art piece or writing.. a safe and healthy way of self-expression. One of the best ways i have found is : writing. :)

This helps us know how to deal with our energy without hurting others. These practices help ALL Life!

In-turn we will create a beautiful mass mirror experience!

Beautiful teacher

Trees reach out their arms to the heavens in search of the Sun (Source Life). Their roots firmly planted in Mother Earth. In their state of harmony and balance they freely give of their fruits... shade for all life... food and home for the animals.. and oxygen nutrients for all life.

Give thanks for these scared beings of the earth. They are examples of balance, humility, strength, and love to us all!

The stepping stones to Life

under construction.. :D

Needing validation from others

When we need validation from others..we attempt to mold ourselves in all that we are not. We cover the essence that we are with thoughts and ideas of what we want to be seen as but they are not who we truly are. As long as we need validation we do not know who we are.

Allowing the self to BE... without wanting to be seen in a certain way... free's us from mass mind conditioning.. of how and what we should be. It free's us from the bondage that we keep ourselves in.

When we need validation there is a constant tug of emotional war within ourselves. It creates a constant state of dependence on others and a feeling of emptiness and unfulfillable because we are seeking in others to fulfill our sense of self-identity. We attempt to allow others to shape us because we feel we need this in order to be loved and accepted.

When we are in a state of needing validation from others.. we create a space within us that can never be filled.

But when we are aligned with HEART we know that we will always shine all that we are..

When we are aligned with HEART we know that we must accept ourselves in the many stages we are at and others as well.. and we begin to understand why we are in those stages... but the heart would never NOT show us ALL that we ARE. The heart would not allow us to go seek any validation either.

Conditions of the mind keep us believing that we are this way or that way..or that we need to be a specific way.. but truly we are NOT nor are we the PERSONALITY that we project. Personality is a conditioning.. of our upbringing.. it is our personal vehicle but it can always be transformed.

Ask yourself.. are you only your body?
are you only your image?
are you only your ideas?
are you your personality?
are you only your talents?
do you need people to remind you of all that you are?
do you need people to show you that you are wanted?
Do you need anyone to know that you exist?

you are much more than that. And you need no one to validate the beautiful truth of all that you are.

You don't need others to remind you of all that you have accomplished or how talented you are. You don't need to prove to anyone all that you know or how great you are. Nor do you need to allow others to bring you down.. when they don't approve.

Life knows who you are. Life is all that you are.. and it is only your mind that can set limits to yourself and create ideas of what you need to be more or less like in order to be appreciated or accepted... or even respected.

The HEART will always accept you as you are.. but as long as you don't know all that you are.. will you accept yourself? Or will you always be seeking validation?

The mind and Expectations

Free yourself of all expectations.. because expecting goes against Life's flow.

Surrendering yourself to the natural flow of the universe means to be free of worry. It means to know that Life is always and will always give us exactly what we need each moment to come. And it means to not limit the experiences that take place everyday in our lives.

Mental conditions..

It is only the mind that sets conditions to the love that we are... the love that we give to each other and the love that we give to ourselves.

It is only the mind in which according to previous experiences limit the degree of heaven that we can BE on earth.

ALLOW yourself to be free of the conditions of the mind. Mind-RULE causes conditional love.. heart-RULE causes unconditional love.

likewise mind-Rule causes a conditioned life.. and heart-Rule causes an unconditioned life.

See that the mind moves into alignment with heart. We know if we are in alignment when we go with the flow of Life. The flow of 'treat others as you would have them treat you'. The flow of.. 'respect all life as you wish to be respected'.. The flow of ' WE ARE ALL ONE'. The flow of 'GOD is experiencing GOD in this dimension.. no other'. The flow of 'I will treat MYSELF as all LIFE deserves to be treated.'..The Flow of ' The eternal moment'.

The more we condition the mind to be in this alignment with heart the more our PURE essence can shine through.


The seat of the WHOLE SELF

The heart beat.. is God knocking on the door.. we must open the door~

As I meditated today... I learned a bit more about the seat of the HEART.. and it's relationship with our WHOLE self...

When we ALLOW ourselves to make contact with GOD, THE ALL, THE ABSOLUTE, UNCONDITIONAL LOVE.. within our heart... by focusing on the heart space and just allowing ourselves to feel the love..

it is then that we can experience the most BEAUTIFUL, INDESCRIBABLE feeling in the universe...

It is a connection in which we meet ourselves again. A connection that takes place within the temple of the self.... THE HEART.

This connection has always been there...

we just need to allow ourselves to re-member... to focus on the seat of the heart, shift our awareness to the physical area and allow GOD to then make the connection back.

I have learned that a relationship with FATHER-MOTHER ALL, LOVE, LIGHT... must be built.. as any other relationship. But.. this is one that just needs a bit of re-establishing... and allowing ourselves to remember what it's like to BE whole again. What it's like to BE love again.. to feel love for all Life.. and to respect all Life.

Like all relationships it requires trust, honesty, love, etc.. And also most importantly .. it requires something very unique unlike our earth relationships. It requires leaving the mind.. or better said.. not trying to understand the experience with the mind.. but allow whatever it is.. a feeling of LOVE... or an ecstatic experience.. to just happen.. and not try to understand it.. because the mind cannot go to those levels of Love.

Trying to understand what is happening can also make one confused.

Also, something interesting that i have found...

I remember having felt palpitations many times in my major chakras. I think it is kundalini .. and it feels like a beating... sometimes anywhere on my body but mostly the major chakras. And well.. the HEART BEATS.. as these beat.. only the heart of course doesn't stop.. well, throughout our life. It is always beating like when the life energy surges through the major chakras or smaller chakras throughout the body. And well this just reminded me suddenly that the HEART is in fact where we come from.. and is the SEAT of the WHOLE SELF, HIGHER SELF, UNCONDITIONAL self. :) When it stops we leave.. we go back to it... within it :)

I guess some may call this the HIGH HEART.. The chest area...

it is definitely the doorway home... :)


Our sacred relationship with the elements

When we were in our mothers womb the first being that we met was Water..

when we were born.. the first being that we met was Air

when we took our first steps we met Earth

and when we felt the heat of the Sun against our body we met Fire

When we are in water , the shower, the ocean.. it is so very comforting because once again we feel the pleasure of the beautiful womb again. Like natures hands comforting us.

These beautiful elements make up our body and allow us to partake in this rich human experience.

When we begin to give gratitude for the elements..
when we breath,
drink water,
bathe in light,
and eat rich foods.. while having conscious appreciation for each of these experiences for at least a few minutes each day .. we will begin to feel the interconnectedness once again with life. The connection will grow stronger and stronger with time.. and in turn we will live more harmoniously and in-sync with the river of life.

Our life can in this way be much easier and more beautiful than we can ever imagine! :)

-*special thanks to Sandra Ingerman for her inspirational teachings* from DVD listen with your heart~

Great Hawk

Great Messenger.. great observer..

teach us to ride the waves of life's music

that we may see as you see the flow of the world

the rhythms and the movements

Teach us to be as open as your wingspan

that we may learn to never close ourselves off to this beautiful world in any kind of despair

teach us to be strong in what we see.. when we see all the people's journeys.. all the pain, all the suffering, and all the paths called stories

teach us to be as strong as you are, for we know that we all teach and learn from each other and this is the cause behind the stories.

Help us to be an observer as you are... shining our torch's at every corner.. a torch called our heart.. which is one with all hearts.

May we be messengers as you are.. bringing a message of truth, of Life and of this world.

And when the nights get long.. may we ride on your back and touch the many stars...

may we together travel the heights bringing more wisdom for the many others who so seek to be loved and in seeking bring down each other.

May we together reveal all the love that is in different places... showing to others that the source lies within them and within each other.

Thank you friend, dear Hawk... for all that you are and all the you bring to the world. Thank you for being our teacher and showing us the ways of wisdom and the way of guiding each other.



To take responsibility for our self means to understand that we cause all the happenings in our life.

To change from within means to change the world

To be an example of what we preach means to affect all life around us

If we can impact all Life around us.. then that means that we can make a real difference in this world.

To see God in all Life means to see TRUTH in it's many forms.

And to LOVE all Life means to Love the FULLNESS that we ARE!

Seeking guidance outside the Self

~The lower self is always seeking but The Higher self knows~
When we TRUST in SPIRIT/ INTUITION and are quite enough to hear the voice within.. inner knowing comes like a river and all the seeking comes to an end.

Every time we need outside validation ..we become dependent on others and in that moment give someone else authority over our self.

When we constantly seek guidance and help from others.. we stop making up our own mind and also shut out the inner voice within.

To the Child within

To the children within...

Dear child within..

thank you for all that you have been. It was you that faced the difficult circumstances and with them made a web. A web called a journey connecting the many days without end. In this web made of strength you desired to catch me in case I went off and left you there. And if i did it would always be there.. waiting.. for me to catch me.

As i bypassed the web i found myself in a space of despair forgetting why i was here. Hoping that someday someone would find ME here.

As the days passed and I watched the people living day to day i realized that living had been replaced with death.

I watched the walking dead making broken webs.. what were they trying to catch?

It was then that i realized we had abandoned ourselves.. in the midst of it all.. to not feel any pain not knowing that we created more pain.

It was you that i needed to catch... and so I wondered how to make this happen..

I then remembered the web that i had bypassed.. the one that you made.

I then knew what to do!

I closed my eyes and placed my arms around my chest.. i then allowed myself to fall in pure TRUST that I'd fall into the web.

I opened my eyes slowly and found you there. With open arms beside me.. waiting for me.

You were never lost or wounded... you were just waiting with open arms knowing that one day I'd find you again.

Thank you dear child for staying as you are.. a golden heart sparkling... regardless of how far we have been apart..

I'll never forget what you told me... That without pain and separation we wouldn't know LOVE. And only in this LOVE could we rescue ourselves from ourselves.

Sacred Heart

Dear Sacred Heart..

bathe us in your waters.. take the breathe of Life and fill us with your desires.

Pour into us the flame of rich embroidered wisdom of all the is his kingdom.

Crown our hearts with your tears that slowly turn to gold... may our hearts shine

like the setting sun and may its rays reach unto everyone that we may once again

live as ONE.

World within a World

There are many universes within universes..

and worlds within worlds..

Within you!

What appears outside of you is but a projection within you. Within the layers of dimensional worlds and realities..

Do not fear your outside world..

know that all is but a projection in this holographic universe and it is you that makes the decision to be in any state of fear. There is always more to what we see with our physical eyes.. so don't allow the physical to determine your state of mind..

no matter what happens in 'the outside' world. If you do not like what you see.. flip the channel... by knowing that ultimately this dimension is but a dream. And that you affect the state of reality always. If you choose to send out a ripple of love and life.. you can affect all life in this beautiful way. Every minute we make choices..

and every minute is another opportunity to make better choices. Choices that will affect all LIFE experiencing itself in this dimension in a more LIVELY way!


Alchemy of the human Spirit

Like a butterfly flourishing out of a cocoon..

it is a time of pivotal transformation that we are in.

It is the LIFE in all things that is about to make itself known.

Allow the Spirit that moves you.. that breathes you into existence take dominion and give you the guidance that you need.

Raise yourself up like the flowers reach out to the sun.. while fully rooted in the ground... and trust in the SPIRIT that is you! The LIFE AND LOVE that is you!... to flourish and transform you like that of a butterfly.

You are the breath of Life!! You ARE the SPIRIT in all things.. seen and unseen.

You are the very HEART of CREATION... the pearl within the shell.

Love yourself for ALL that you are. Love yourself for all that you have been through. Love yourself for this experience of darkness and light.. Love your SELF for all the teachings you have given your SELF. And Love all life because they are going through the same. Love All life because all LIFE is ONE SPIRIT and Always will BE no matter what dimension we are experiencing.


growth or collapse

What if you were told that you are being given an opportunity to enter a new reality? What if it was already here for those with eyes to see?

What if soon it would be the only reality to be seen?

What if it was that those who tuned into the new frequencies (of love) would find life growing more wondrous every day?

And what if it was that those who tuned into fear ...would find things falling apart?

What if the worlds of consciousness were begining to form ever more distinctly?

Which would you choose? the world of Love and Life? or the world of fear and death?


Nature seeks balance~

The people that are drawn to us (or better said whom we draw to ourselves) show up only in our lives to balance us and we to them. There is something vital that people give to each other in relationships.

It is up to us if we are willing to accept the opportunities of balance~


"Your living is determined not so much by what life brings to you as by the attitude you bring to life; not so much by what happens to you as by the way your mind looks at what happens."

-Kahlil Gibran


Once upon a time, in an island there lived six feelings and emotions: Happiness, Knowledge, Love, Sadness, Richness and Vanity. One day they discovered that the island began sinking! So all of them built boats and canoes and left, one by one. Except for Love. Love wanted to delay abandoning her beloved island as long as possible.

When the island had almost sunk, Love decided to ask for help.
Richness was passing by Love in a boat. Love asked, "Richness, can you take me with you?"

Richness answered, "Sorry, Love, I can't. There is a lot of gold and silver in my boat, so there is no place here for you. With both of us in here we will sink for sure."

Love next asked Vanity who was also sailing by, but Vanity offered the same answer.
"I can't help you, Love. You are all wet and might damage my boat," Vanity answered.

Sadness was close by, so Love asked, "Sadness, take me along with you."
"Oh . . . Love, I am so sad that I need to be by myself!", sadness said in a gloomy voice.

Happiness passed by Love, too, but she was so preoccupied with her happiness that she did not even hear when Love called her.

Suddenly, there was a voice, "Come, Love, I will take you."

It was an elder with a tattered head scarf. An overjoyed Love jumped into the boat. When they arrived at a dry land, the elder went her own way.
Love looked around and saw the Knowledge who was the first to have landed there a while ago.

"Who Helped me?" Love asked.
"It was Time," Knowledge answered.
"Time? Why time?" Love was surprised.

"Because only Time is capable of understanding how valuable Love is." Then Knowledge smiled.

-by Unknown

Self-confidence is not Pride

When you know who you ... and who all are then it is easier to gain self-confidence.

When you know that each are at different stages learning in different ways then it is easier to gain self confidence.. because confidence comes from being sure of ones self. Being sure that there is nothing that anyone can do to take you from WHO YOU ARE. And the many different levels people are in help us to understand that we must be tolerant and understanding to the actions and experiences of another.

When someone doesn't like you for instance and says something to hurt you... this should not affect you when you KNOW who you are! AND who THEY ARE. We are of the same substance, no different! Life experiencing itself in this dimension.

The kind of self-confidence is not Pride... it is a KNOWING , EXPERIENCING, and TRUSTING who we are and that no one but ourselves can make us temporarily forget this.

Wake each day with with awe is your eyes..because you ARE LIFE.

Stand tall each day and don't be afraid to shine.. shine the Love that you are.. and show others in this way who they too are.

Our responsibility and Love

Our responsibility is to awaken to the Love that we are and to constantly give the love that we are to each other~


People just want to be understood in life...

~But it only in understanding ourselves that we can understand each other~

The only Fear

~The ONLY fear is DOUBT.

To DOUBT the FULLNESS that we ARE~

ALL is a blessing..

All is a blessing.. and even all that doesn't seem like one is leading up to one~

It is important to know our blessings. Our family, friends, people all over everywhere... we are all evolving together. Choosing to be side by side in this grand play. It is out of love that we have chose each other to grow alongside with. It is out of love! Since all life impacts all life and therefore is constantly teaching and learning from.... and in result helping to evolve.

Let's count our blessing... in ALL the natural world. In all its species and lifeforms... from insect to whales... we are blessed with such beauty .. such a diversity that is God. A mutli-faceted diamond shining with its many rainbow hues at every turn..

Let's count our blessings for all the animals kingdoms.. our brothers and sisters.. and members of the family tree. Each animal to insect contribute to the greater whole.. each with it's beautiful uniqueness. Each has something very vital to teach us. And each have their own unique healing to share.

Let's count our blessings for the plant and mineral kingdoms which reflect in such beautiful forms.. sharing with us such a beauty, such a peace, and such a state of presence. Let us thank them for the many healing remedies they give to us.

Let's count our blessing for all life everywhere moving through all life forms..

Let's count our blessings for being on such an earth that gives like a Mother gives her children.. enough and more than we should and can ask for...

stability, support, nutrients, she gives us life...

Let's count our blessing for Great Spirit that is SOURCE LOVE.. that which blows life into life...

Let's thank the ALL for this great experience .. for allowing us to EXIST here and learn in this grade school.

Let's thank this level of learning and experience.. for without it we could not experience, evolve, and advance... without it.. we could not experience ourselves.

Let's thank our families for coming in with us in this experience and teaching and sharing all that they do. Let us thank Life and count our blessings for their love and their presence here.

Let's thank our friends who have uplifted, taught, shared, and helped us along our path.. all friends across our lifespan.

Let's thank Life for this wonderful temporary opportunity..

Let's thank ourselves for being strong enough and loving enough to be here and to make a decision to continue each day along our paths in gratitude and in trust that Life is always and will always be with us.. because we are Life itself.. and nothing can ever take it from us.. but our belief in ourselves.

Let's thank the vessels that we are in.. the mind that allows us to understand experience, the emotions which teach us endlessly who we are and who we are not. And all the beautiful energetic systems which make our vessels up. Let us thank these vessels for without them we could not participate in this beautiful play... feeling , understanding, and experiencing through it..

Life does not belong to us

~We belong to Life.. and its loving flow~

Embracing the human self

Understanding emotions and not identifying with them~

Let us not forget that we are Divine beings having a human experience. The problem's begin when we forget our Divine nature and replace ourselves with the dream~

Emotions are an integral part of being human. Emotions influence experience and allow for experience. They are a natural part of the human experience.

Aligning with Heart self does not mean one must ignore natural/normal human emotions.

Emotions allow us to understand ourselves and the experience. Emotions allow us TO experience.

For example: if your family member is in a bad mood and attempts to hurt you or another in any way.. emotional or physical... you will naturally FEEL and in turn EXPERIENCE that natural human emotional/mental responses to the situation. The emotion may be fear, anger, sadness, pain, or confusion.. These allow us to understand experience and learn in different states of being. After experiencing the emotion you do not have to remain in the emotional state. You can allow the emotion to flow when you are done experiencing it.

It's so easy to get paralyzed in anger when another shows us anger... because when we are in this human experience while forgetting our DIVINE NATURE.. emotions can lock us into believing that it is who we are.

We must not identify ourselves with the emotion..because identifying ourselves with it is what keeps us in the state. Identifying ourselves with the emotion can make us hurt another because of it. We can inflict the same emotion to another when we believe that we are it ... when we forget our DIVINE NATURE. When we allow the emotions to rule us.. this means that we do not have control of them and that we are not balanced. To experience emotions (anger, pain, sorrow etc) is not what causes an imbalance at all. What causes an imbalance is when we identify ourselves with them.

how many times have you said..

'I AM sad'
'I AM angry'
'I AM scared'..etc.

are you truly your emotions? or are you just experiencing them?

Feeling emotions are indeed a normal process of living. It is healthy and it is part of this human experience. It is important to experience both positive and negative emotions.. since we live in a world or both positive and negative. Since our very own world has it's day and it's night. Negative emotions are natural and important in understanding others, ourselves, and most of all this human experience. All life has a masculine and feminine.. and light and dark... Ying and Yang.

It is important to embrace the self which feels these emotions... Which sometimes feels upset which sometimes wants to just cry because it is normal, healthy and natural.

But when the emotions begin to rule you then you must look within and seek balance. Balance can be found in aligning with HEART because it is in the heart that we learn about acceptance, love and most of all WHO WE ARE and who we are not. We are not our experience.

It is the HEART that is the balance between the LOWER chakras and HIGHER ones.

Positive emotions are just as important as negative ones in order to understand ones experience. In order to share with others and in order to enjoy living.

It is important to understand ones body and responses through meditating in order to understand what it is that can easily trigger one into a state of anger or pain. Is it fear of being hurt? Is it fear of not being loved? Is it fear of loss of control? Is it fear of fear?

You are not your emotions. They are just experiences... a part of this temporary human experience.

Emotions are the fuel for thoughts, patterns and experiences.. therefore when one has a fear of for example : Dogs because of an incident in which one was bitten.. one remembers the emotion which was pain (physical), fear of being attacked, lack of trust in dogs, anger towards the dog.

therefore when one see's dogs the emotions will arise and feed the fear.

But it is through this same emotion which the person with the pattern can learn to let it go. When one is exposed to the same emotion or similar experience one has the opportunity to understand why the emotion is taking control over the person.. and in result one can get to the core of the pattern and break it.

It is officially broken when one RE-MEMBERS their Divine essence.

Aligning to heart allows for forgiveness and allows one to experience their own Divine nature. In so doing one sheds layers.. like the layers of an onion. One naturally begins to align when they experience their own Divinity and in so doing when emotions are experienced one then understands their purpose.

When emotions control us we loose our alignment with Divine nature. Divine nature can be experienced in this human experience. And it does not mean that one will ignore emotions. It means that one will allow emotions to flow without allowing them to CONTROL one... In turn this can be A DIVINE Experience. ;)

Possession and Attachment

It is in thinking that we possess things, people, ideas, and experiences that we attempt to control them... and in this do not allow the spirit of Love and Life to flow freely. We attempt to attach ourselves to it instead of flow with it.

In this state of believing that we possess others and things.. we then feel a constant struggle and a constant loss within ourselves. This is the human struggle which is the cause of EGO-RULE.